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Week 7
September 24-28


Standard(s) / Competency (ies)

Standard(s) / Competency (ies)

Standard(s) / Competency (ies)

Standard(s) / Competency (ies)


7.4 Graphics

Interactive Media
7.1.1,7.1.2, 7.1.3,

Video 7.7.1, 7.7.2 7.7.6 7.7.7, 7.7.8
Audio 7.8.1, 7.8.4
7.9.1, 7.9.2, 7.9.5, 7.9.6



Reminder of Field Trip next Tuesday- must have permission form by Friday.

Students will pull up Type Masking folder under photoshop practice.

Students will remove background on all items and place into the Sports.psd file. Will have 10 items when completed. Make sure each layer is named in the Sports.psd file.

Helpful videos for selecting.

Introduction to Selection...Magic Wand
Using the quick selection and the magnetic lasso tool

We will wrap every letter.

Introduction to Masking...Wrapping objects around text

Assign Angry Bird tutorial-- Goes in Projects Folder

Copy from Shared: Silhouette folder

Must put original image and the edited silhouette into each. Name apple Original, apple Silo

3 Images from Internet made into Vector Silhouettes...Three actual Pictures

You will end up with 5 total. Make sure you can tell what they are when the silhouette is made.

Helpful Website: Helpful Website for creating Silhouettes using Photoshop and Illustrator.

Reminder of Field Trip next Tuesday- must have permission form by Friday.


Watch 127 hour Trailer.... Identify 10 different shots and/or camera movements.

Write down time they occer and what it is...Turn in by Wednesday


Filming time for Green screen video


Reminder of Field Trip next Tuesday- must have permission form by Friday.


Page 58-60

Define the following on a sheet of paper:

Preprodution Stage
Cliet goals
Statement of work
Scope of Work
Timeline for deliverables
Change Request Document
Cascading Style Sheet


Questions of the Day Set 1: Q1 and Q2

20 Minutes to work on Wrapping for Sports... Have each student put in a background for the letters.

Work on Silhouette and Angry Bird

Pass out First Video assignment...Group... Start Preproduction:

Brainstorm ideas, research, outline, storyboard...A storyboard is due by Friday.


Complete Yesterday's assignment...

Page 71, 1-5


Questions of the Day Set 1: Q3

Go to
Students will download at least 3 fonts...Set up nameplate.

Assign: Name Masking Type Assignment—Name Plate



Lab time for Video Prepoduction/

Green screen mini project...

Page 71- 74 6-33

Help with Colors for Website


Download Questions of the Day Set #1 Save as:

LastnameFirstInitialQuestionsofdayset 1

Complete Question #1 and #2.. Click here for Link to Links

Complete all Chapter 1-3 Bookwork. All files should be



Pull Up Logo Pathfinder. Use your silhouettes to make 3 more words with images in them.

Put a Shape of some sort behind it with a color.



Lab time for Video Prepoduction/

Green screen mini project...

Page 74-78 34-70


Questions of the day Set 1 #3



Print out: Logo Pathfinder

Complete Angry Bird.

Pass back Logo's. Pick two that you will recreate in Illustrator (I MUST APPROVE). One may be simple other must have more complexity to it.


TShirt Design Contest

Lab time for Video Prepoduction/

Green screen mini project... DUE TODAY

Mini Project:

2 Green screen clips, Title the movie, Title must move, Add Music, must fade, Credits at end of everyone in group.

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