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Handouts/Lessons etc.
9/4 9/7

Pass out Tech Prep Form..MUST SIGN UP BY FRIDAY OR OPT OUT FORM! You may do this at home. MAKE SURE EVERYTHING IS SPELLED CORRECT!!! If you do forward email to me at or print out.

Video on how to apply click here

Online Application Click here

10 points

See Tech Prep Site

9/18/2018 9/30/2018

Questions Set 1- Open and save to a folder in Your Folder called Review Questions.


Question Site
9/21/2018 10/6/2016 PSDBOOK3 Sheet... As assigned in class  
9/28/17 9/30/17 Project-NamePlate Masking

Name Masking Rubric and Instructions
75 Points

    BPA Web Search Write the answers in by hand... 35 Points

Digital Design Tutorial and Project

Tutorial00- Both basic tools, basic tools 2
Tutorial101-Lasso Tool
Tutorial32-Blending Options
Tutorial55-Z shaped Backgrounds

Tutorial18-Text in Photoshop NAME OF SHOE
Tutorial22-Distort and Transform Text SLOGAN
Tutorial06-Star Shape
Tutorial244-Swirl Background
Tutorial19-Bling Text


Shoe Poster: Must Print out and turn into HandIn Folder

Shoe Poster Rubric

150 Points


Dragon Project-- Print and turn into Handin

Watch Dragon Video Start if you were abssent or if you want to get ahead...

Dragon Project Directions and Rubric

Dragon Project Image


Alien Poster Project Using Tutorials:

Folder: Photoshop PRoject
File name: AlienPosterYour name

tutorial 2 Yourname-Separate file
Tutorial 107 Cloaning Stamp Separate file

Following in Alien Poster File
Tutorial 54 Alien
Tutorial 13 Unholy Creature
Tutorial 58 Planet
Tutorial 93 Text Vector
Tutorial 91 Text 3D
Tutorial with Brushes


Instructions for Alien Poster and Rubric

200 points


Use a picture of yourself

Tutorial Typography Portrait

    Pop Out Tutorial--Do the picture they provide name this file Popout1...then do one of your own...Find a picture that is an action this Popout2  
    Animated Gif Assignment Animated Gif Grade Sheet
    Girl Sketch Tutorial and one of own....

Sketch Tutorial

Girl Image

    Diner Bookwork-- Page 2-20 thru 2-25 Change Jake to your name--- Save in Bookwork Folder.... Print to Black and white printer Indesign 2-20-2-25

Toy Breads-- Page Indesign 2-32- Put name by the subtitle after Dog Breeds

Print to Black and white printer


    Typography Terms: Typography Terms Page Typography Handout
    Typography Crossword: Typography Crossword
    Typography Poster looking at Serif and Sans Serif Font

Serif Sans Serif Font
Poster Instructions

100 points

    Autobiography Rubric and information

Rubric and Instructions for Autobiography

140 Points


Autobiography Practice-- Download from IMM Shared folder...Whole folder: Autobiography Practice

Add Luke and Hailey Picture, Drop Cap, Change Text box color, Add Design Elements, Change Text Wrapping of Soccer ball, Add Luke Picture, Add Hailey Picture... change text wrapping, edit text box properties, fitting of pictures, print two sided BW

50 Points

Period 4 and 6:

Select a picture of your choosing to apply the following tutorial (Must have at least 8 selections/polaroids. For extra points...Make it a Winter themed Image and put Happy Holidays in a festive font at the bottom Make it festive...Print to Color Printer

Polaroids Tutorial

40 Points Plus possible Extra Credit

Polaroids Tutorial