Date Assigned

Date Due
Handouts/Lessons etc.




Begin Quarter 4...



3/12/2019 3/15/2019

New Folder Semester2TutorialsYour name

Retro Comic Book TUTORIAL: Look at the 2 tutorials at the right to get a feel for what you are creating.
Pick a close up image of yourself or other must have a caption for your picture....and current date...I suggest using a close picture...Put Your name in lower left corner...very small, but readable. Save them...DO NOT PRINT YET! See Poster Below to submit!

Create an Indesign File in your Tutorials Folder called Comic Poster: Size is 5.5" Wide by 8.5" Height, .3" Margins

Title: Digital Design Comic Strip in Photoshop...Add Your Comic Book Image and the original image. Must have name on it and a border of some sort...Comic Font of some sort. See example here--Make this your own...do not just copy this one.

Retro Comic Strip Tut 1

Retro Comic Strip Tut 2

Retro Comic Strip Tut 3

Comic Strip Mini Poster Rubric

70 points

3/18/2019 3/26/2019

Web Page 90 pts

Copy Folder: Web Template from Shared\DigitalDesign to your desktop...ADD YOUR NAME.

  • Find Dragon and an amimated gif open in photoshop.
  • Optimize for Web in Photoshop and save into Assets:
  • File>Export>Save for Web>
  • Images as JPG 100 quality Small: 250Wide, name with small, Large: 1000Wide name with large.
  • Gif's change to GIF Small: 250Wide, name with small, Large: default or no larger than 1000Wide name with large.


  • Make a banner using banner.psd in assets that has your name Digital Design and Current year. Make it creative with design elements and colors you like. DO NOT USE COPYRIGHTED PICS.> File>Export>Save for Web>1500 Wide JPG.
  • See Rest of Rubic

    BONUS up to +10
    Open Picture.html..

    • On your Picture.html page. If you put your banner (in the header div) (+3)
    • Pictures of yourself (optimized for web no larger than 300 tall) (In your about div) (+1 each pic)
Website DD Rubric
3/25/2019 4/5/2019 Pick a community Project (Agenda or Graduation Cover)... 25 points. May do other for up to +10 points. Due by April 5. 25 Points
3/27/2019 3/28/2019

Trip Project: Part 1

Screen Shot on a Mac:



Trip Websearch- Turn in when complete. Sites that will help:


25 pts
3/27/2019 3/8/2019

Trip Project: Part 2

Save in Folder : LastNamefirstinitialTrip

Find 20 images within the country (or on the way to your county)..in the end you may have fun (fly on the wing of a plane, be a giant on the eiffle tower etc.) with 4 of the actual 20 images...you can do more if you have time...Make sure you really can see how you can pose into the picture...don't just download pretty things...I don't want them so far off either.

Must be larger than 1024 x 768

Make a contact Sheet of these downloaded images.

In Photoshop...File>Automate>Contact Sheet> Change source to Files> browse your files .....Pick your 20 images (hold down your command key to select non-adjacent Files) ... Make it 4 columns 6 rows. Type your name on this and print to color printer. Save as Trip Contact Sheet

25 points printed by Friday....Contact sheet 4 by 6 with your name.
4/5/2019 4/8/2019

WebExam Practice ( /38 but has 42 questions those would be bonus May do this at home Cut off is Monday) We will take actual web exams on Tuesday...May take as many times as you want... May look answers online.

You will take ACTUAL webexams on Tuesday!

4/9/2019 4/10/2019

WebXam - You will need your Username and Password

Web Exam- If above 53% on actual web Exam you will earn an exam exemption for your exam. Also it will be taken out of 45 points so anyting earned above this is extra credit.

4/9 4/15

PhotoEditPractice-40 PTS

Copy PhotoPractice Folder from Shared/Digigtal Design Folder.

Color Correction: Using Adjustment Layers

  • Together: Color Together Paris Streets
    • Hold down Command then click Kids layer to select the kids
    • Add adjusment layer to them only.
  • file: adobe_Correct an unwanted color cast Do this... color correction Tutorial..Save in same location.
  • Color Eiffle Tower sunset color... Put the kids in and edit to match image
  • Color Eiffle Tower sunset color2...Put the kids in and edit to match image

Adding a Shadow: Incorporating Shadow Tutorial

  • Together shadow practice- or watch above tutorial if absent or need reinforcement
  • Shadow Paris Streets...add kids then appropriate shadow
  • Shadow Beach...add kids then appropriate shadow

Selecting objects:

Print all 7 Edited files (the ones underlined above) in this folder to a contact sheet....Create a 3 by 3 Contact Sheet . Type Your name at the BOTTOM RIGHT LARGE SO I CAN SEE. Print to Color printer.

Contact sheet>File>Automate>Contact Sheet>Select Files you need (See underlined above) >Change to 3 rows 3 Columns.


If you need more help watch this video..Video on Cutting out (Really start it at about 7:15-- This shows you the refine edge magic)

4/12/2019 4/19/2019

TRIP PART 3: 60 Points

You will need 6 Photoshopped images. (turn in with part 4 and Rubric)
What you will need:

  • Camera- Take several pictures of yourself—posing in these pictures—could be you and a friend etc.  Needs to look like you are actually there. You may not reuse a pose more than once without points being deducted. Suggest using plain background for easier cutting out.

You will have to Photoshop the pictures—Format them for NTSC.
            Save both the original Picture and the edited pictures—call them as such
                        Example: Hanauma Bay, edited Hanauma bay

Grading will be based on the following:

  • Will have to probably work on adjustments for either picture or yourself, keep lighting in mind!!!
  • Clear/real looking photos—as if you were there—try using some blending tools such as blur (do this on the edges) adding shadows—Try different brushes, make sure all pictures are cleanly cut and defringed, may use the patch and or cloning tool or anything else that will make the picture look authentic.
  • Total of at least 6 pictures—Save all as PSD—Print Contact Sheet as 2 x 4 which ever one you need to Color Printer…add your name and turn in.
    iMovie Practice- Open imovie Practice...  
4/28/2019 5/6/2019


Site with link to royalty free music

Imovie Help tutorial 1
imovie Help Tutorial 2

imovie Help adding audio
imovie Adding Text and more audio
imovie Ken Burns Effect
imovie Adding Transitions


Find Music from Bensound or Incompetch... There are other royalty free music sites out there.


5/3/2019 5/10/2019

Make a trip Poster with the following criteria in Indesign.

Place picture before Place Picture after of two images. Add Design elements must have at title Similar to shown...Must have name neatly as part of artwork.....

Total 25 points




Photoshop Days... 15 pts each-Must do one each,... 15 pts each

Helpful Hints:

#1- Duplicate layer...remove background...make canvas larger (image >Canvas or image smaller )... Use selection tool to slice somewhere that makes sense...Layer...NEw layer Layer via cut... PULL APART using move tool> Add something inbetween the two layers, erase, mask parts to make it blend more together.

#2- You will need to use selection tools, and transformation tools. maybe masking or distorting

#3- Adjustment Layers (desaturate...maybe Make B/W or maybe hue and saturation and make a color that matches statue) edit pattern effect maybe (you will need to mess with blending modes in pattern)good selection and masking, transforming.



Import your files into a single file (Call this YourlastnamefirstinitialMultiplicity

Check out one or both of these tutorials.

Another Tutorial Multiplicity and Multiplicity Tutorial Photoshop







END QUARTER 4DIGITAL DESIGN-Clean up your desktop- If you are a senior, print anything you would like for print, Remove your papers from binder, including your binding and cover, Save anything you digitally want to a flashdrive or your personal Google Drive....Remember you will not have access to your account after this year.

Underclassmen. Clean up your desktop--Put any projects, and important items in a folder called yourname 2018_2019 (You will put this into the handin so I can keep it for the future) Also clean up your binder, I will save for next year, Folders clean up and put on table.



3D Text Tutorial.... Pick from below:

3D Text- Use Your Initials for 3D part/type your name below it.
Basic 3D TExt .Use your Initals

BW splash color Tutorial

Try adding a hue/saturation Adjustments layer above it and change the color of the selected object.

Premiere KeyFrame (position and Effect) Help
Premiere KeyFrame (rotation)
Premiere KeyFrame (opacity)
Premiere Effect (Text DISINTEGRATION