
Movie Poster-Capstone

The project requirements are simple: choose a movie poster and find a way of altering the text and graphics to make a parody version. The poster needs to be of printing resolution...should not look blurry when printed. Choose your font carefully so that it goes with the original. Make sure items you place are of equal resolution. Cloning, Content-aware, healing brush will all come in handy. As well as many other tools...I want it to look as authentic as possible

Project Specifications

Points: 100 Points

Program: Photoshop

Filename: MoviePosterLastName.jpg

Requirements: Poster will be evaluated on Skill, Time and Effort, Advanced Skill level and Time applied will get you an A!

Dimensions: Make sure picture is at least 750px X 1000px so that it not too pixelated. Use your judgment. You may want to increase your resolution to about 150

Turning in: New File: MoviePosterComparelastname.jpg 11" X 8.5" 150 Resolution. Place Original Picture on Left and your edited one on the right of this file, turn Handin a full resolution jpg. Then Optimized for web with same file name except add the word _ small to the end Turn in a thumbnail that is 400px wide (ex. MoviePosterComparisonThies_small)

Print: Print full resolution one to color printer. See example below. I would like your name typed small in one of the corners of the poster (where ever it is least distracting)

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Ally Raters 2013