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Final Project-Capstone

For your final IMM project you will choose from one of the following three projects. As always, these must be school appropriate and done to the best of your skilled, creative ability. The purpose of this project is to showcase your professional creativity on extensive projects with a purpose. This is your chance to add advanced features, showcase your favorite Program and just have a little fun with what you have learned. Make sure you have the Who? What? When? Where? And Why to all the following! You must decide which of the following you will do by the due date on the website. I want this to showcase what you have learned, what you want to learn and also want you to have fun! 5 points participation per day wil be taken. If excused abense you will excluded from the dailey grade

Option #1- Movie

A Movie (can do Group 2-3) This movie must be at least 4 minutes long (add two minutes for each member after 2) This movie must meet the following criteria.

  • A script must be written—All dialogue must be in written form.
  • An outline/Storyboard of what is going to happen including Music used, Any product placing that is used etc.
  • Must have a poster selling the movie

Option #2-IMM Promotion

  • Make an IMM video promoting IMM SELL SELL SELL THE CLASS—This has to be at least 2-3 minutes long and must have a layout. Must have the following in it- (If done as a group of 2 (NO MORE) add a minute 3-4 minutes)
  • Mention a Tech Prep—What does that mean—Scholarship- $3,000.00 to Sinclair, College Credits available, Project based learning, Chance to be a part of BPA. Located in 602 Hawke- Watch the CTC Tube IMM Promo (do not copy) Add a Flash animation
  • Make a Poster promoting IMM with the above information using Photoshop and/or Indesign.
  • Make a Promotional Item that could be passed out to students promoting IMM. (Example: Brochure, postcard, professional flyer

Option #3-Your Option

This option is for you to come up with a project of your own—It must encompass the following of at least a 2-3 Minute Video or an extensive Website of a topic of your choice. (It must have a proposal approved by me before you start.)- Example: Movie Trailer

  • A Photoshop Poster of your subject
  • A Flash Animation
  • A promotional Piece
  • At least two other programs used

Project Specifications

Points: 250 Points

Program: Your Choice, but must incorporate at least 3-- I need to know which ones.

Requirements: Skill, Time and Effort, Advanced Skill level and Time applied will get you an A!

Specifications: Please turn in following formats
Movies....MOV, Flash....SWF, Photoshp/Illustrator...JPG or PNG...

Print anything Printable