
Car Advertisment Project-Capstone

Students are to create a Full page car advertisemnt for a magazine using Illustrator to develop the car, then they may use another program to complete the project. DO NOT USE LIVE TRACE!!!!

Create an advertisement for a car (you must redraw the car in illustrator-NO LIVE TRACE)--You may use another program to complete the poster, but make sure the resolution is for print.

Pick Car
Come up with New Tag Line
Make sure you include the Make of Car.

Pay special attention to Typography-USE YOUR CHARACTER PANEL!


Project Specifications

Points: 125 Points

Program: Illustrator for car-- You may choose program to develop the Poster.

Requirements: Come up with New Tag Line (slogan), Make sure you include the Make of Car, Car image should be created in illustrator, with added depth (using gradients, shading and highlights). Add Visual Interest. Poster will be evaluated on Skill, Time and Effort, Advanced Skill level and Time applied will get you an A!

Dimensions: 8.5" x 11" 250 Resolution if Photoshop...

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2015 Dani Tomlin
2015 Tyler Masters
2015 Tre Thomas
2014 Kelly Roberts