Dragon Project

Programs used:
November, 2012

November, 2012
The dragon project was one of the first projects that we were assigned. In the project we were given a blank out line of a dragon and we had to use our knowledge of photoshop to color and bring depth to the image. The project was a bit tedious and took a lot of time due to having to fill every single scale and outline with a reasonable color. However that was only one part the next part was adding depth to the image. This is where i benefitted the most knowledge wise. Although, for the most part i just utilized layer styles to add the effects and depth, i did use brushes for some accents. However, the constant tweaking and refining of shadows and high lights did teach me a lot about the subject. I believe that this was the most beneficial part about this project
If i could go back and redo this project I don’t think I would really change anything because overall I am very pleased with the outcome of the image. If i was forced to say though I think the only tweaking that I could do was add a bit more highlights to the image to make the source of light a bit more prominent. Also possibly re-adjust shadows to make them just a bit more realistic. In the end though this was one of my first and favorite projects as it was what really kicked off the IMM project for me.