Self Portrait
Programs used:
March 2014

With this project I did it in a small amount of time. My main goal was to achieve the major details and make those outlines as accurate as possible. This way I would keep at least the true shape of my body. For the majority of the project I utilized the pen tool. However, for finer details such as the hair or wrinkles in the hoodie I made use of the brush tool and added an oval tip. I used this to ensure that my brush wouldn’t just look like lines but rather have some shape to it. I did have issues with finding the correct color to represent my skin pigment. After from sampling a darker tone I ultimately went with a brighter tone to really bring out more of my true tone as opposed to the tone caused by the lighting in the room.
If I could go back and redo this project I think I would definitely spend more time adding finer details. On top of that I would go back and fine-tune the details that I already made. I would also adjust the shadows I used and spend a lot more time that those were realistic and accurate.