Hi im Jacob Gonzales my dreams are to hopefully become a vloger and make youtube videos for a lot of people and if that doesent happen make movies or a tv series like Breaking Bad by the way Breaking bad is my favorite tv show. Once i graduate from  highschool I plan on moving out to LA and Following my dreams and make sure they come true Since I was a kid i really enjoyed watching youtube videos and once i got older i really wanted to make videos and just make a name for my self to be known and inspire other kids or teens with dreams in making youtube videos overtie I have relized how much every youtuber i watched impacted my life and choice for example i would say my favorite youtubers that give me inspiration have always done good and bad things in life but it just make me relise no one is perfect. My favorite youtubers are Casey Neistat, David Dobrik, Emma Chamberlain, Jesse Wellens all of these youtubers have had a big impact on me growinp up and my mindset i have on life sorry for the rant but thanks for reading all of this here are my favorite projects from my class digital design 2021-2022. I graduate in the year 2024 one thing i do know for sure highschool has not been the best 4 years of my life instead its ben my worst 4 years of my life those who say that are just crazy in my opinion also dont give up on your dreams you never know if there around the corner;]                     
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