Student Online Guidelines and Expectations for MVCTC


Student Online Guidelines and Expectations for MVCTC 2019-2020

  • All students will be assigned career technical lab, academic and elective assignments on Monday at 9 AM of each week. These assignments will be for the entire week. The assignments will be due by Monday at 9 AM of the following week. 
  • Note: These guidelines do NOT apply to College Credit Plus (CCP) courses. Students in these courses should follow the Sinclair/Clark State and their individual teachers’ requirements.












All Assignments Go Out on Monday at 9:00 AM

Assigned on Monday by 9:00 AM

Due on Monday of the following week by 9:00 AM



Suggested Student Schedule




Work on Assignments for 2.5 hours

Work on Assignments for 2.5 hours

Work on Assignments for 2.5 hours

Work on Assignments for 2.5 hours

Relax, get extra help from teachers, and/or catch up from the week.



Each career technical lab and academic/elective teacher should plan for approximately 30 minutes (maximum) of instruction daily Monday through Thursday (2.5 hours total, including instruction and work assigned). This time guideline can be looked at from a daily or weekly perspective. Friday will be reserved for catching up from the week for students and teachers and for reaching out to teachers for extra help.


  1. The use of school email (Outlook) will serve as the primary way to communicate with students and families.
    1. Teachers will answer emails within 24 hours of them being received, sooner if possible.
    2. Teachers will check and respond to email at least twice per day. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon.
    3. Some teachers may continue to use Blackboard, but this is up to each teacher. Students should be checking their email at least one time per day. Teachers may continue to use their established routines and procedures that they have already set up this academic school year.
  2. All work will be graded according to MVCTC’s grading scale. Please see the student handbook if you have any questions. All feedback and grades will be posted to Progressbook within one week of submission. Again, CCP will follow the guidelines established by their college and teacher.
  3. Teachers and students will work collaboratively and students should reach out to teachers with any questions as we work together in changing over to online learning.
  4. Students that are in a job placement program such as Advanced Placement, Internship, Pre-apprenticeship or other Supervisor approved placement may continue to utilize this placement in lieu of career tech lab assignments only.  Students in job placements will continue to complete academic and elective assignments.
  5. If you fall more than a week behind, your instructor will contact you. Please keep up with your work. If you have difficulties, do not wait until the last minute to communicate with your instructor. Please be proactive.