Dr. Weldy Message May 8, 2020


MVCTC’s goal is to ensure the safest and most efficient way for students to drop off school-owned items, such as textbooks, tools, etc., and for them to pick up any of their own personal possessions. You will not be permitted to bring anyone with you (friends, family, etc.) into the building. During this time, the cashier will be in the West Building to collect any fees and permit you to purchase the MVCTC tassels for $7.00, which will be provided at time of payment. Only 200 tassels are on hand and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Additional tassels will be able to purchase through an order form that will be at the Cashier’s window and they will be mailed to the student’s home. 

While on campus, you will be placing all of your academic/elective textbooks and library books in the designated places in the Student Activity Center (SAC). You will return your lab textbooks to the lab instructor. In addition, your lab instructor will provide a list of items that you need to return.

Three dates will be provided and each career-technical lab will be assigned a specific date. The dates scheduled for student access will be May 18, 19, 20 between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Campus will be closed each day to allow for a staff lunch period from 11:00 a.m. until 11:45 a.m. During that time, students will have access to their lab and lockers. Career-technical instructors, if at all possible, will be in their labs when students arrive for pick-up. Time slots will be scheduled so that only two students will be allowed in the lab at any time. This is done to ensure social distancing guidelines are being maintained. Students MUST arrive at their designated time or they will not be allowed to access the building and may be required to reschedule. When arriving on campus, all students must enter at the Student Activity Center main entrance. All students and staff will be required to wear a face covering while on campus. Each individual is encouraged to bring their own face covering from home. If you do not have one available, the district will provide a mask for your time on campus. The face covering or mask must securely cover the nose and mouth. You should not remove the face covering while on campus and ALWAYS maintain social distancing of six feet or more.

Your career-technical lab instructor will email you the survey link in the next several days. Once you click on the link, you will need to sign up for a time to come to campus on the specific day assigned to your career technical program. The program list is at the end of this email. Please pay attention to when your specific lab is assigned. Remember, some programs have more than one section and you need to show up on the correct day. Please pay attention to the program list provided.

IMPORTANT: Before coming to campus, students must understand and adhere to the following guidance:

  1. Students MUST take their temperature before coming to campus to verify they are not running a fever.
  2. DO NOT come to campus if you are feeling ill.
  3. DO NOT come to campus if someone in your house is feeling ill.
  4. DO NOT come to campus if you have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
  5. DO NOT bring anyone with you; anyone else riding in your car must remain in your car while you are on campus. Staff members will be on campus if you need assistance with moving/carrying an item to your vehicle.
  6. You will need to leave the building 15 minutes after arrival.

MVCTC’s goal is to have students pick up items during this three day time frame. If there is a valid reason why a student can’t visit campus during this time frame, they need to reach out to the career-technical program supervisor to schedule another time or make other arrangements. Below is the contact information for each program supervisor. Email is preferred. If you do call, be sure to leave a message.

Mr. Blaine Heeter, Trade and Industry Supervisor
Mr. Jon McGreevey, Health Consumer Sciences Supervisor
Mr. David Peltz, Electives, Business, Information Technology, and Agriculture Supervisor

In addition, cleaning crews will be on campus each day and will conduct a ‘deep’ clean each evening. As a reminder, all students and staff will be required to wear a face covering while on campus. Each individual is encouraged to bring their own face covering from home. If you do not have one available, the district will provide a mask for your time on campus. The face covering must securely cover your nose and mouth.  Other items that will be available include gloves, hand sanitizer and wipes. These items will be located in easily accessible areas.  

During the three pick up dates, May 18, 19, and 20, senior students will also be able to pick up 2020 Prom favors in their career-technical lab. Due to a limited supply, these items will be for seniors only. Any additional favors that remain will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis when students return in August.

Thank you for your patience as the district has worked diligently to develop a plan for student access that is as safe as possible and meets required state and county health department guidelines.

As a reminder, the last day for Seniors is Friday, May 15th. The last day for Juniors is Tuesday, May 19th. 


Programs with campus access on May 18:

  • Agriculture & Livestock Production (AR1 & AR2)
  • Animal Care & Management (AN1 & AN2)
  • Architectural Design (AD1 & AD2)
  • Automotive Collision (AC1 & AC2)
  • Automotive Services (AS1 & AS2)
  • Automotive Technology (AT1 & AT2)
  • Aviation Maintenance (AM1 & AM2)
  • Biotechnology (BT1 & BT2)
  • Business Ownership (BO1 & BO2)
  • Computer Networking & Cyber Security (CN1 & CN2)
  • Computer Repair & Technical Support (CR1 & CR2)
  • Construction Carpentry (CC1 & CC2)
  • Cosmetology (CO1A & CO2A)
  • Culinary Arts (CA1 & CA2)
  • Electrical Trades (ET1 & ET2)
  • Health Occupations (HC1A & HC2A)


Programs with campus access on May 19:

  • Computer Coding & Web Applications (CW1 & CW2)
  • Cosmetology (CO1B & CO2B)
  • Criminal Justice (CJ1A & CJ2A)
  • Dental Assisting (DA1 & DA2)
  • Digital Design (DD1 & DD2)
  • Diesel Power Technologies (DT1 & DT2)
  • Early Childhood (EC1 & EC2)
  • Firefighter/EMS (FE1 & FE2)
  • Graphic Commercial Arts (ALL Sections)
  • Health Occupations (HC1B & HC2B)
  • Heavy Equipment Operator (HE1 & HE2)
  • Hospitality Service (HS 1 & HS2)
  • Medical Lab Assisting (ML1 & ML2)


Programs with campus access on May 20:

  • Criminal Justice (CJ1B & CJ2B)
  • Graphic Commercial Photography (GP1 & GP2)
  • Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HV1 & HV2)
  • Media & Video Production (MV1 & MV2)
  • Medical Office Management (MO1 & MO2)
  • Natural Resources (NR1 & NR2)
  • Precision Machining (PM1 & PM2)
  • Pre-Nursing (ALL Sections)
  • Retail Agricultural Services (RS1 & RS2)
  • Robotics & Automation (RA1 & RA2)
  • Sports Management & Marketing (SM1 & SM2)
  • Sports Medicine (SP1 & SP2)
  • Veterinary Science (VS1 & VS2)
  • Welding (WL1 & WL2)