I hope this email finds you and your family safe and healthy.
During the COVID-19 crisis, MVCTC continues to monitor our sources for any new or updated information from the governor or Ohio Department of Education. Although nothing formal has been announced at this point, I believe that the school closure order will be extended. I do not know when that will take place, but the governor’s daily press conferences have indicated that the peak of the COVID-19 virus could not be until May and the Stay At Home Order runs through April 6th at 11:59 p.m., which is a minor extension of the original school closure declaration.
In addition, on Saturday, March 21, the district received updated federal guidance that will allow us to provide services to students with IEP or 504 plans to the best of our abilities. There are still considerable challenges the district’s administrative team has been working through over the past few days, but we feel that we have a plan in place that will work.
This additional guidance on special education instruction, along with the expected extension of school closures across the state, has permitted us to move forward with the online learning plan that we have been developing since the COVID-19 outbreak. On Monday, March 30, the district will be moving to online learning until further notice.
Your parents will receive a SchoolMessenger call on Thursday, March 26, 2020, and all MVCTC students will receive this email sent to their MVCTC email account. PLEASE SHARE THIS EMAIL WITH YOUR PARENTS! Also, encourage them to visit the district’s frequently asked questions (FAQ) page at If they still have a question after reading the FAQ page, they can send it to QUESTIONS@MVCTC.COM. The district will continue to update the FAQ page throughout the COVID-19 situation. The decision was made to wait until Monday to give everyone a starting point at the beginning of the week and allow instructors to fully prepare.
I understand that there will be many questions as we move to online learning. The attached document provides many of the answers to our anticipated commonly asked questions about student expectations related to online learning.
In addition, understand that the district has still not received updated guidance from the state in regards to flexible graduation requirements, state testing mandates, attendance, etc. We are diligently working to find out this important information that impacts our students.
Lastly, this plan is the based on the best information that we have at this point in time. It is subject to change and I ask that you continue to be flexible as the Ohio Legislature has still not acted on any new legislation related to COVID-19. Now that the legislature is back in session, I do expect more specific directives to be forthcoming.
Please continue to take care of yourselves and your family. Continue to be kind, our communities, state and nation need it!