Northmont-MVCTC Project Lead the Way (PLTW)


Northmont-MVCTC Automation & Robotics Satellite have added bicycles to the PLTW curriculum. Mrs. Boston has added bicycles as a real-world connection to help students experience torque and speed relationships.  Throughout the trimester, students have the opportunity to earn chances to win the bicycles by demonstrating positive behaviors, winning classroom competitions, and academic performance.  A drawing will be held at the end of the school year during the Eighth Grade Awards Assembly with one male and one female student receiving a brand new BCA 7-speed bicycle.  Pictured From Left to Right: Noah Long, Chinarah Lynch, Dylan Starnes, Kayla Mendenhall, Faith Dispennette, Hailey Knick, Courtney Siple, Ashlee Easterling, Ada Haley, Addie Dotson, Imari Crawford