Junior Robotics and Automation student Mykaisha Moore (Dunbar High School), talks with visiting University of Wisconsin’s Bandara Gamani about the Robotics and Automation program at MVCTC.
The University of Wisconsin-Platteville and Motoman representative, Bob Graff visited MVCTC’s RAMTEC lab to help culivate the university’s vision in creating a new robotics lab to meet industry needs. Bandara Gamani, the universities Electronics and Automation coordinator, was inerested hearing about Mykaisha’s experience thus far in MVCTC’s Robotics and Automation program.
Bandara is working through Yaskawa/Motoman to develop foundational information to be used in designing the Universities program. MVCTC’s RAMTEC facility housing the Robotics and Automation program provided valuable information he will use in designing there program.
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MVCTC high school classes will be closed for Tuesday, January 21, 2025, due to the cold weather. Please stay safe.