Working through the spring of 2020, the Twin Valley South MVCTC-FFA chapter officers, along with their advisor, Mrs. Derringer, completed the National Chapter Award Application. The application contains a description of nine chapter activities, three goals for each event, and a plan of action to reach each goal. The nine events must correspond with the three categories of Growing Leaders, Strengthening Agriculture, and Building Communities. Some chapter events from the 2019 year that were highlighted on the application include hosting Ag Awareness Day, cooking meals for families staying at the Dayton Ronald McDonald House, and collecting recycling for the school district.
The completed application was mailed to be graded by the Ohio FFA Association. Twin Valley South MVCTC-FFA was awarded a Gold rating at the state level. Ohio FFA sent the chapter’s work to be seen by National FFA. National ranks chapter applications on a three-star scale. Twin Valley South MVCTC-FFA was deemed a Three Star Chapter, the best marks available. Out of 324 FFA chapters in Ohio, only 33 were considered Gold rated; all achieved Three Stars at the National level.
The 2019-2020 FFA officer team set the goal of being a Gold Rated chapter during their 2019 officer retreat. The current chapter officers will strive to keep diversifying activities and encouraging involvement from members. Another year of leadership and fun should lead to the chapter being Gold Rated again for 2021.
We are dedicated to providing premier educational choices and advanced employment preparation for youth, adults, and organizations of the Miami Valley.
MVCTC high school classes will be closed for Tuesday, January 21, 2025, due to the cold weather. Please stay safe.