Congratulations to the 175 MVCTC seniors tapped on February 8, 2021, to be inducted into the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS).
The National Technical Honor Society currently serves approximately 100,000 active members and nearly a million members since its inception in 1984. NTHS honors top Career Technical Education students' achievements, provides scholarships to encourage the pursuit of higher education and cultivates excellence in today's highly competitive, skilled workforce. For over 30 years, NTHS has been the acknowledged leader in recognizing outstanding student achievement in career and technical education.
Membership is open to those seniors (with graduating status at the time of selection) at the MVCTC campus who have: completed three semesters, achieved at least a 3.75 GPA for three semesters. Seniors who are graduating in 2021 must-have met the graduation requirements as delineated by the Ohio Department of Education and their local Board of Education. The following will be considered essential qualifications: The student candidates should be dependable, honest, of worthy character, and use the knowledge gained in their career-technical field to continue their education as they further their careers.
Thank you to the MVCTC National Technical Honor Society Committee Members for their hard work during this challenging year.
Congratulations to the following seniors!