Englewood, Ohio- Students at Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) competed in Sinclair Community College’s Virtual Tech Prep Showcase for Agricultural & Environmental Systems. Winners were: Anais Salgado-Kenniebrew, Layla Hatfield and Emma Hoening, and Jenna Wheeler.
The purpose of the Tech Prep Showcase:
Winners of the Agricultural & Environmental Systems from MVCTC were Anais Salgado-Kenniebrew (Huber Heights) from Veterinary Science with her “Musical Medication” project; Team of Layla Hatfield (Valley View), and Emma Hoening (Vandalia-Butler)from Natural Resource Management with their “Filtering water in Natural Disasters” project; and Jenna Wheeler (Eaton) from Veterinary Science with her “The Human-Animal Bond” project.
For more information about MVCTC, please visit www.mvctc.com.