The Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) Computer Repair & Technical Support and the Computer Networking & Cyber Security classes recently spent a day with the Wright State University CaTS Department. The CaTS department provides technical support for all computers and users on the Wright State campus. Students learned about the ServiceNow IT ticketing system, toured the Help Desk and Desktop support departments, and viewed the University Data Center. Students also learned how the WSU CaTS department provided support for virtual learning during the worldwide pandemic.
In addition, students toured an Interactive Virtual Distance Learning classroom, the Data Analytics DAVE lab, and a Student Success Center classroom. This field trip allowed the students to see firsthand the many employment opportunities in computer support and network administration at a large educational institution and the cutting-edge technology systems they have in place to support an organization of this size.
Mrs. Amy Sugden, Computer Repair & Technical Support instructor, shared, "This was an amazing tour which allowed students to see how technology is used in today's college classrooms and how an IT department supports the ever-changing needs of its faculty and staff."
Students participating included: