MVCTC students from the Graphic Commercial Art (GCA) program competed at the Southwest Regional Advertising Design Competition held at The Modern. The event, which unfolded in real-time over four intense hours, witnessed these young ladies crafting logos, posters, and direct mail cards from scratch, all while facing the pressure of a live competition environment.
Brooklyn Taylor (Miami East) placed second in the competition. Elizabeth Short (Franklin Monroe) earned third. Both students will compete in the upcoming state SkillsUSA competition slated for April.
Congratulations to all students competing and to MVCTC Graphic Commercial Art insturctors Lauren Roeth and Allison Thompson on a job well done!
We are dedicated to providing premier educational choices and advanced employment preparation for youth, adults, and organizations of the Miami Valley.
MVCTC high school classes will be closed for Tuesday, January 21, 2025, due to the cold weather. Please stay safe.