MVCTC School-to-Work Program Update: August 2024


The Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) is pleased to provide an update on our School-to-Work program, a key initiative that plays a vital role in connecting education with employment opportunities for our students. Through strategic partnerships with local businesses and industries, the program continues to make a significant impact on student preparedness and regional economic development.

Program Overview

The MVCTC School-to-Work program equips students with practical, hands-on learning experiences that enhance their classroom education. By integrating academic instruction with real-world application, the program ensures that students acquire the skills and competencies necessary for success in their chosen careers. This approach prepares students for immediate employment and fosters a deeper understanding of industry standards and expectations.

Current Employment Statistics

As of August 2024, the School-to-Work program's current employment statistics are as follows:

  • 68 students are involved in the Half-Day Employment Program, which allows them to balance on-campus academic learning with off-campus work experience. 

  • 59 students participate in the Two-Week On/Off Rotation Program (27-A / 27-B). This structure alternates two-week periods of classroom instruction with two-week work placements, allowing students to immerse themselves in their work environments while maintaining a strong academic foundation.

Impact on Students and the Community

The School-to-Work program's effectiveness is evident in both student and employer feedback. Local businesses have commended our students for their readiness, commitment, and adaptability. Likewise, students benefit from early exposure to professional settings, allowing them to develop essential skills and build networks that will serve them throughout their careers.

For more information about the MVCTC School-to-Work program or to explore partnership opportunities, please contact our program coordinator, Robert Ewry, at (937) 854-6237.

Click here for more information.