MVCTC Senior Saves Stepdad Using Life-Saving Skills from Firefighter/EMS Program


A typical family dinner took a serious turn when Miamisburg and MVCTC senior Kiersten Fornshell sprang into action to save her stepfather from choking. As a student in the Miami Valley Career Technology Center's (MVCTC) Firefighter/EMS program, Kiersten's quick response demonstrated the real-world impact of the skills she has gained in her career-technical education.

Kiersten's journey to becoming a Firefighter/Paramedic was inspired by her time working as a lifeguard at the Miamisburg Pool, where she frequently interacted with paramedics for training. Their dedication sparked her interest in the field, but her passion for healthcare dates back to childhood. When she was a little girl, she broke her arm and was deeply moved by the kindness and care of the EMT who helped her. "I've always wanted to make a difference like that EMT did for me," Kiersten shared.

During the recent family dinner, Kiersten's stepfather suddenly began choking. With her family panicked, Kiersten's training from MVCTC kicked in. "One side of my brain was in panic mode, but I could clearly hear my instructors telling me to calm down and do what I knew to do," she recalled. Drawing on her experience from countless hours of hands-on training in MVCTC's Firefighter/EMS lab, Kiersten remained calm under pressure and performed the Heimlich maneuver, saving her stepfather's life.

At MVCTC, students in the Firefighter/EMS program receive training in various life-saving techniques, including fire control, emergency medical care, CPR, and First Aid. They also gain an understanding of fire alarms, communications, building construction, and hazardous materials. The program offers certifications such as the Ohio Department of Public Safety's Firefighter II, CPR, and First Aid, with a connection to Sinclair College for further education.

Kiersten credits her MVCTC instructors and classroom environment for helping her stay composed during the high-stress situation. "Learning to handle stress in a chaotic environment, like we do in class, helped me make quick decisions. I didn't freeze—I acted," she said. "The training we get in the lab gave me the confidence to help, and it felt really good to be part of something that made such a big difference."

After graduating from high school, Kiersten plans to attend Sinclair College, using the Tech Prep Scholarship she earned through her studies at MVCTC. She aims to become a paramedic and work in animal rehabilitation.

Kiersten's story is a shining example of how MVCTC's Firefighter/EMS program prepares students for their future careers and equips them with the confidence to step up in critical moments. "The biggest thing I learned was to trust myself," Kiersten reflected. "MVCTC has given me the skills I need, and I can't thank my instructors enough."

Her quick thinking and courage turned a potential tragedy into a success story, proving that the training students receive at MVCTC can genuinely make a life-saving difference.