Arcanum-Butler MVCTC FFA Chapter Wins Big at The Big E Eastern Regional Competitions


The Arcanum-Butler MVCTC FFA Satellite program proudly represented Ohio at the 2024 Big E, Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, Massachusetts. The Big E, a significant regional event, hosts the prestigious FFA Eastern Regional Competitions, where students from 15 states, from Kentucky to Maine, compete in Career Development Events (CDEs), the Agriscience Fair, and Star Programs. The Farm Business Management (FBM) team from Arcanum-Butler MVCTC made Ohio proud by placing first in their event.

The Arcanum-Butler FBM team, consisting of Ethan Hartman (2nd high individual), Carrie Denlinger (tied for 5th high individual), Landon Miller (tied for 5th high individual), and Katelynne Michael, demonstrated exceptional knowledge and teamwork. Their outstanding performance helped Ohio FFA capture the coveted Big E Sweepstakes title, contributing to its success against other states.

The Big E and FFA: A Learning Experience

The FFA events at The Big E aim to provide a robust learning experience for all participants. While the Farm Business Management team celebrated their win, the event is structured to offer growth opportunities for all FFA members. As a regional competition, The Big E also accepts teams that may not have placed first in their state competitions, fostering a more inclusive environment for skill development.

FFA: Shaping Future Leaders in Agriculture and Beyond

Founded in 1928 by a group of young farmers, the FFA—formerly known as Future Farmers of America—was established to prepare future generations for the challenges of feeding a growing population. Today, the FFA is open to students from all backgrounds, whether they dream of becoming farmers or pursuing careers in other fields like healthcare, education, or business.


Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) offers premier educational choices and advanced employment preparation for youth, adults, and organizations in the Miami Valley. Serving 27 area high schools, MVCTC provides career-focused education to help students enter the workforce or pursue post-secondary education with a high level of competency.