MVCTC Satellite Summary - November 2024


MVCTC Satellite Programs and FFA Chapters Highlight Achievements in November 2024

The Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) Satellite Programs showcased remarkable achievements and engaged in various innovative and community-focused activities this fall. Here's an update on their recent accomplishments:

Arcanum-Butler MVCTC FFA Highlights
  • Greenhand Degree Ceremonies: The chapter welcomed new members and awarded the Bronze Greenhand FFA Degree to students meeting FFA membership qualifications.
Eaton MVCTC PLTW and Engineering Club
  • Automation & Robotics: Eighth-grade students designed, built, and programmed mini-rovers capable of autonomous obstacle avoidance, impressing with their creativity and technical proficiency.
  • Veterans' Day Tribute: Engineering students 3D-printed lapel pins to honor veterans, distributing them during a school breakfast and assembly.
Milton-Union MVCTC Business and IT Programs
  • Business Program: Students operated a business enterprise producing custom merchandise for school events, enhancing entrepreneurial skills.
  • IT Program: Senior Carson Lavy delivered a Tech Talk on the use of artificial intelligence in Major League Baseball, exploring its transformative impact.
Mississinawa Valley MVCTC BPA Fundraiser

The Mississinawa Valley Business Professionals of America (BPA) students organized a yard sign fundraiser, offering personalized designs that fostered school pride. They also produced and sold apparel, building skills in product development and marketing.

Mississinawa Valley MVCTC FFA Fall Fair and Meals on Wheels
  • The 55th Annual Fall Fair featured 2,000 meals prepared by members, along with exhibits of students' agricultural creations.
  • During harvest season, members delivered meals and care packages to local farmers, supported by community donations and Axis Seeds.
National Trail MVCTC Project Lead the Way Updates

Students embraced a new VEX robotics curriculum by designing sensor-controlled elevator doors, showcasing innovation and programming skills.

Northridge MVCTC Health Careers Students

Students attended a Surgical Symposium at Miami Valley Hospital, gaining hands-on experience operating urology scopes and exploring surgical techniques. The event also included leadership-building exercises facilitated by surgeons.

Valley View MVCTC FFA Leadership Development

The Valley View-MVCTC FFA Chapter attended the Ohio FFA State Leadership Night with nearly 500 members from across the region. Students engaged in team-building exercises and leadership workshops led by Ohio FFA state officers, fostering confidence and camaraderie.

Vandalia-Butler MVCTC Morton Middle School Robotics

Eighth-grade Robotics students excelled in mechanical design, crafting dragsters optimized for speed and torque. By exploring gear ratios, they demonstrated advanced engineering skills and gained valuable insights into vehicle performance.

Vandalia-Butler MVCTC STEM Program

STEM students tackled a simulated disaster relief scenario by designing zipline solutions for delivering supplies to hurricane-affected areas. Their problem-solving abilities were on full display.

Engaging Students and Communities

From robotics to entrepreneurship and agricultural leadership, MVCTC Satellite Programs and FFA Chapters continue to inspire innovation and strengthen community connections. Their diverse activities prepare students for meaningful futures in education and industry.