November EBIT Student of the Month - Kendall Benning, member of the Sports Marketing Management program taught by Mr. Zach Gueth, and Kayla Smith, member of Medical Office Management program taught by Mr. Rusty Sink, received a plaque to honor their selection and a gift certificate from Wendy’s Restaurant.
December EBIT Students of the Month - Jordan Puckett, member of the Computer Tech Academy program taught by Mrs. Amy Sugden, and Dakota Schwegal, member of Medical Office Management program taught by Mr. Rusty Sink, received a plaque to honor their selection and a gift certificate from Wendy’s Restaurant.
Congratulations to Kendall, Kayla, Jordan and Dakota for being recognized as the Electives, Business, and Information Technology Students of the Month at MVCTC. Special Thanks to Wendy’s Restaurant on 7200 Hoke Road, Clayton, Ohio for their efforts in sponsoring outstanding student accomplishments at Miami Valley Career Technology Center.