MVCTC Electives, Business, and Information Technology Students of the Month February 2015


Englewood, Ohio - The Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC), in order to honor outstanding accomplishments and leadership in Career Tech Education, is proud to announce the February 2015 Career Tech Students of the Month honorees from the Electives, Business, and Information Technology Department.

Scot Kirby, member of the Sports Management and Marketing program taught by Mr. Zach Gueth, and Carrie Kleptz, member of Business Academy program and Small Business Ownership elective taught by Mrs. Roberta Phillips, received a plaque to honor their selection and a gift certificate from Wendy’s Restaurant.

Scot Kirby, Miami East High School, was recognized by his instructor for always looking for ways to help support and enhance the program.  Mr. Gueth stated, “He has made several videos that have been uploaded to the Sports Management and Marketing program Twitter page @MVCTC_SM and he goes above and beyond as a leader in our classroom.” 

Carrie Kleptz, Northmont High School, was recognized by her instructor for both her quality of work and the ability to solve problems.  Ms. Roberta Phillips stated, “Carrie is in my Small Business Ownership course and I am impressed with the quality of work that she has done on the new business she is creating for class and for her BPA contest.”  Carrie presented her plan at the Regional BPA contest and has qualified to go to state with her plan.

Congratulations to Scot and Carrie for being recognized as the Electives, Business, and Information Technology Students of the Month at MVCTC.  Special Thanks to Wendy’s Restaurant on 7200 Hoke Road, Clayton, Ohio for their efforts in sponsoring outstanding student accomplishments at Miami Valley Career Technology Center.

For over 40-years, MVCTC has been providing career technical education for 27 partner school districts encompassing five counties in Southwest Ohio.  MVCTC is dedicated to providing in-demand workforce training for youth, adults, and organizations in the Miami Valley. 

For more information about MVCTC, visit

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Photo 1- MVCTC Electives, Business and Information Technology Department Students of the Month for February 2015, Scot Kirby (Miami East) and Carrie Kleptz (Northmont).