MVCTC Teacher Camp is a three-day workshop designed for all teachers in the MVCTC partner school districts. The goal of the camp is to:
•Experience hands-on activities in several MVCTC career programs
•Enlighten teachers on the changes in career technical education
•Educate participants as to the great salaries and working conditions that exist for career technical students.
MVCTC Teacher Camp participants visited Biotechnolgy (did their own DNA); Graphic Commercial Photography (took pictures from oatmeal can pin-hole cameras and developed them); Culinary Arts (made pizzas); Computer Repair and Technical Support (worked on computers); Graphic Commercial Art (did some graphic arts on the computer); and, Electrical Trades (discovered electricity under their strobe lights). They also had the opportunity to learn about career-tech history (Dr. Jack Poore); learn about our career assessment (Mrs. Lori Flora); MVCTC academic and College Credit Plus opportunities (Mr. Charles Brads and Mr. Eric Dolan); Youth Connections (Mr. Todd Engel); Adult Education (Mr. Joel Sink); and our technology (Mr. Randy Schmidt). Mrs. Kelly Haws also shared about enrollment and had six of our Student Ambassadors speak t the group. It was a fun-filled week with wonderful lunches catered through Northmont Food Service.
We are dedicated to providing premier educational choices and advanced employment preparation for youth, adults, and organizations of the Miami Valley.
MVCTC high school classes will be closed for Tuesday, January 21, 2025, due to the cold weather. Please stay safe.