The Miami Valley Career Technology Center serves 27 school districts located in five counties. These school districts can be classified as rural, suburban, and urban; consequently, MVCTC students represent a very wide and diverse population.
The MVCTC Campus is located ½ mile south of I-70 at Exit 26 (Hoke Road) and ¼ mile south of the State Route 49 and Hoke Road junction in Englewood, Ohio. The campus is 11 miles northwest of downtown Dayton.
Satellite Programs
MVCTC offers satellite programs in collaboration with our partner school districts, extending career-technical education opportunities to students within their own high school campuses. These programs bring in-demand career pathways directly to students. Through hands-on training and an industry-aligned curriculum, students benefit from learning experiences tailored to regional workforce needs, enhancing their readiness for college and career success.
Satellite locations include:
Arcanum-Butler Agricultural Education for grades 8-12
Courses include Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (AFNR); Animal & Plant Science; Mechanical Principals, Greenhouse & Nursery Management; Agronomic Systems; Business Management for Agricultural & Environmental Systems; Livestock Selection & Nutrition; and Agriculture Capstone.
Bethel STEM for grades 7-12
Courses include Design & Modeling, Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Automation & Robotics, PLTW Engineering Principals, Engineering Design, Robotics, and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Brookville Agricultural Education for grades 8-12
Courses include Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (AFNR); Animal & Plant Science; Mechanical Principals, Greenhouse & Nursery Management; Agronomic Systems; Business Management for Agricultural & Environmental Systems; Livestock Selection & Nutrition; and Agriculture Capstone.
Eaton Agricultural Education for grades 9-12
Courses include Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (AFNR); Animal & Plant Science; Mechanical Principals, Greenhouse & Nursery Management; Agronomic Systems; Business Management for Agricultural & Environmental Systems; Livestock Selection & Nutrition; and Agriculture Capstone.
Eaton Project Lead the Way for grades 6-8
Courses include Career Connections, Design & Modeling, and Automation & Robotics.
Franklin Monroe Agricultural Education for grades 8-12
Courses include Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (AFNR); Animal & Plant Science; Mechanical Principals, Greenhouse & Nursery Management; Agronomic Systems; Business Management for Agricultural & Environmental Systems; Livestock Selection & Nutrition; and Agriculture Capstone.
Franklin Monroe Business Academy for grades 7-12
Courses include Business Foundations, Fundamentals of Business & Administrative Services, Office Management, Accounting, and Personal Finance.
Huber Heights Agricultural Education for grades 9-12
Courses include Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Agricultural and Environmental Systems Capstone/Work Experience, Plant and Horticulture Science, and Landscape Design.
Huber Heights Career Connections grades 7-8
Huber Heights Construction Technologies for grades 9-12
Huber Heights Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) for grades 9-12
Courses include
Huber Heights Interactive Multimedia for grades 9-12
Courses include Digital Design, Creating Digital Media, Interactive and Video Development, and IMM Capstone.
Huber Heights Welding for grades 9-12
Courses include
Miami East Agricultural Education for grades 9-12
Courses include Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (AFNR); Animal & Plant Science; Mechanical Principals, Greenhouse & Nursery Management; Agronomic Systems; Business Management for Agricultural & Environmental Systems; Livestock Selection & Nutrition; and Agriculture Capstone.
Miamisburg Agriculture 9-12
Courses include Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (AFNR), Landscape Design, and Plant and Horticulture Science.
Miamisburg STEM for grades 9-12
Courses include Design and Modeling, Engineering Design, and Robotics.
Courses include Agriculture, Food, Natural Resources (AFNR), Animal & Plant Science; Mechanical Principals; Business Management for Agricultural & Environmental Systems; and Agriculture Capstone.
Milton-Union Business Academy for grades 9-12
Courses include Office Management, Business Management Principals, Personal Finance, Business Capstone.
Milton-Union STEM for grades 7-12
Courses include Design and Modeling, PLTW Automation and Robotics, Engineering Design, Robotics, Engineering Principles, Computer Integrated Manufacturing.
Mississinawa Valley Agricultural Education for grades 8-12
Courses include Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (AFNR); Animal & Plant Science; Mechanical Principals, Greenhouse & Nursery Management; Agronomic Systems; Business Management for Agricultural & Environmental Systems; Livestock Selection & Nutrition; and Agriculture Capstone.
Mississinawa Valley Business Academy for grades 7-12
Courses include Business Foundations, Fundamentals of Business & Administrative Services, Finance Foundations, Office Management, Accounting, and Business & Administrative Services Capstone.
Montgomery County ESC Learning Center North Career Studio for grades 9-12
Agricultural Education and Career Exploration are offered. Each course provides real-life learning within a hands-on lab environment. Students are offered a variety of experiences ranging from learning to use hand tools and wood working skills, building robots, growing produce, horticulture, practicing job interviewing skills and working on applications.
National Trail Agricultural Education for grades 9-12
Courses include Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (AFNR); Animal & Plant Science; Mechanical Principals, Greenhouse & Nursery Management; Agronomic Systems; Business Management for Agricultural & Environmental Systems; Livestock Selection & Nutrition; and Agriculture Capstone.
National Trail Project Lead the Way for grades 7-8
Courses include Design and Modeling/Automation and Robotics.
Northmont Career Credit Lab (CCL) for grades 9-12
Courses combine a work-based learning component along with related academics for students to gain valuable employability skills and job-site experiences while earning credits towards high school graduation. Included in the CCL is also a credit lab for students that may need intervention with credit recovery to further enhance their opportunities to stay on track for graduation. Mandatory requirement of either 120 hours of work or volunteer experience for CBI/CCL.
Northmont Project Lead the Way for grades 7-8
Courses include Design and Modeling/Automation and Robotics.
Northmont Senior Only Work-Based Learning/Pre-Apprenticeship
In this year-long work-based learning program, students will use information from the Naviance Career Interest Profiler to align their career goals with a work-based learning experience. This experience has the potential to align with future training in various career pathways.
Northridge Health Careers for grades 9-12
Courses include Intro to Healthcare, Healthcare Level 1A, Healthcare level 1B, Healthcare level 2A, Healthcare level 2B and Healthcare Internship. Students have the opportunity to earn First Aid/CPR and STNA Certifications.
Preble-Shawnee Project Lead the Way for grades 7-8
Courses include Design and Modeling/Automation and Robotics.
Tri-County North Agricultural Education for grades 8-12
Courses include Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (AFNR); Animal & Plant Science; Mechanical Principals, Greenhouse & Nursery Management; Agronomic Systems; Business Management for Agricultural & Environmental Systems; Livestock Selection & Nutrition; and Agriculture Capstone.
Tri-Village Agricultural Education for grades 8-12
Courses include Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (AFNR); Animal & Plant Science; Mechanical Principals, Greenhouse & Nursery Management; Agronomic Systems; Business Management for Agricultural & Environmental Systems; Livestock Selection & Nutrition; and Agriculture Capstone.
Twin Valley South Agricultural Education for grades 9-12
Courses include Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (AFNR); Animal & Plant Science; Mechanical Principals, Greenhouse & Nursery Management; Agronomic Systems; Business Management for Agricultural & Environmental Systems; Livestock Selection & Nutrition; and Agriculture Capstone.
Valley View Agricultural Education for grades 9-12
Courses include Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (AFNR); Animal & Plant Science; Mechanical Principals, Greenhouse & Nursery Management; Agronomic Systems; Business Management for Agricultural & Environmental Systems; Livestock Selection & Nutrition; and Agriculture Capstone.
Vandalia-Butler Project Lead the Way for grades 6-8
Courses include Career Connections, Design and Modeling/Automation and Robotics.
Vandalia-Butler STEM for grades 9-12
Courses include Engineering Design, Engineering and Manufacturing Operations, Advanced Robotics, and Capstone.