Ohio FFA President visits Arcanum-MVCTC FFA Chapter


The Arcanum MVCTC FFA and Agriculture Department welcomed Ohio FFA President Mary Buehler to their Agriculture Classes.   Miss Buehler brought a wealth of knowledge to the new FFA Chapter as she spent the day with Officers and FFA Members.    During her time with the classes she led activities on First Impressions, Time Management, Perspectives, Team Work and Communication.   Whether the class was building a balloon tower, completing a time challenge, or flicking a ping pong ball off a bottle they all were able to look at their lives a little differently.   The Arcanum MVCTC would like to thank Miss Buehler for her visit and we look forward to seeing her at future FFA activities.


Caption: Miss Mary Buehler, Ohio FFA President, leads a group of Arcanum MVCTC FFA members in a activity on perspectives.