Miami East-MVCTC FFA Awarded 36 New Members their Greenhand FFA Degrees


On Monday, November 24, 2014, the Miami East-MVCTC FFA awarded 36 new members their Greenhand FFA Degree. The Greenhand Degree is awarded to first year members of the FFA, and is the first award that can be received. Each member awarded received a pin to be worn on their FFA jacket and a certificate of achievement.  Thomas Shaw, District 5 FFA President of the Ohio FFA Association, was the guest speaker.

In order to receive the Greenhand FFA Degree the members must be enrolled in an agriculture class, have plans for a Supervised Agricultural Experience Program, learned and explained the FFA Creed, Motto, Salute, Mission Statement, Code of Ethics and uses of the FFA Jacket, Colors, and Emblem, and demonstrated an understanding of the FFA's history, chapter constitution and by-laws. The Greenhand FFA Degree is the first of four degrees that an FFA member can earn. 

 The students earning the degree are Tyler Bashore, Cameron Coomes, Lane Davis, Alex Dinardo, Caitlin Fryman, Jacob Goins, Zachary Gordon, Dylan Hahn, Rachael Hodge, Jessica Huffman, Alex Isbrandt, Austin Jackson, Aly Jordon, Dawson Kingrey, Travis Kroeker, Mason Lane, Bridey Logan, Kami Martin, Destiny McCourt, Logan Poston, Jacob Rife, John Savini, Dalton Taynor, Emily Thimmes, Joey Wintrow, and Emma Younce.

Respectfully Submitted, Casey Copeland, Chapter Reporter

Photo caption: Front row (L to R) John Savini, Dylan Hahn, Alex Isbrandt, Dawson Kingrey, Alex DiNardo, Jacob Goins, Middle Row (L to R) Emma Younce, Rachael Hodge, Caitlin Fryman, Aly Jordan, Emily Thimmes, Kami Martin, Jessica Huffman, Destiny McCourt, Back Row (L to R) Cameron Coomes, Tyler Bashore, Joey Wintrow, Lane Davis, Zac Gordon, Austin Jackson, Travis Kroeker and Logan Poston