Miami East-MVCTC FFA Donates Books to Library


Recently the Miami East-MVCTC FFA Chapter donated an agriculture book to the library of Miami East Elementary. The book donated was “The Beeman” by Laurie Krebs and Valeria Cis. The book explains where honey comes from and what a drone bee does through a rhyming story and playful introduction to the fascinating way that bees live and work.

The book was chosen as the Book of the Year by the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Agriculture Foundation. It will be available for all the elementary students to learn about where their food comes from and gain a better understanding of agriculture in their lives. Each year the American Farm Bureau selects a book for its accuracy in agriculture and farm-friendly.

The same book will be donated to the libraries of Troy City Schools’ Concord Elementary and Cookson Elementary. The buildings chosen participate in the Miami East-MVCTC FFA’s Ag Day in May.

According to FFA member Olivia Edgell, “FFA understands the importance of agriculture through explaining to students and future consumers of how their food gets to them. I love reading and want to pass along the love to elementary students.”

This project was a special program of the Miami East-MVCTC FFA Chapter, Miami East FFA Alumni, and Miami County Farm Bureau.


Photo caption is (left) Olivia Edgell with elementary student Ella Demmitt and Elementary Librarian Ms. Marisa Digel. Ella is a 4th grader in Mr. Matt Roth's class.  Ella and her family are going to start keeping bees. Ella is the first student to borrow the book from the library.