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Week 9
October 8-12

End Quarter 1


Standard(s) / Competency (ies)

Standard(s) / Competency (ies)

Standard(s) / Competency (ies)

Standard(s) / Competency (ies)


7.4.9 Manipulate and layer objects

Interactive Media
7.1.1,7.1.2, 7.1.3,

Animation 7.6.1, 7.6.2, 7.6.3



Questions of the day thru #8

Download Pumpkin to color:

Duplicate layer

Select portions (mess with tolerance)

Layer via copy

Name new Layer

Color with Paintbucket or Gradient tool.

Complete....Name in lower left corner...






Use these in creating Poster...Talk about them


Filming Day....





Make Banner...

Make Buttons... 300 by 150

Home, Digital Design, Creating DM

Video Production and Webdesign


Make new header for IMM Page.... Must have

1280 px x 192px

Picture, IMM 2018-2019 and stay with current colors


Start Chapter 6.... Read


Questions of the day thru #9

Demonstrate how to create a pattern use.. Moon and

Complete pumpkin Page....

New: Coloring page

Download one of choosing.. (add at least 3 gradients, name layers, Add a background if no scene and add 2 textures... Put your name on it neatly ... print it 6" wide let height be automatic.)

How to make a pattern in PS


Start focus on Indesign...Go over Design Elements..

Do handout....Using Flash animation book Chapter 1-- We will be actually starting Indesign not Flash...but we need to understand Design Elements and Priciples of Designs



Lab day for video

Talk about Take Action Video...and/or BPA Competition Judged Event



Questions of the day thru #10


Complete Coloring project--- See yesterday for instructions.


Catch Up...Last make up day...

If done...

  • Clean up desktop
  • Work on Creating A BPA T-SHIRT
  • Big Chill Creamery Complete.. 4UP to color printer
  • Will pick two tutorials from illustrator this coming quarter to complete... See CD Media Page.

Lab day


Checkout this Video for help







Complete Coloring Projects.... Wrap up the quarter....

If done...Look at Photoshop Lessons from Adobe Site.
or Look at BPA Contests....


Principle of Designs Worksheet and Typography Chapter 1 Indesign.



Open Dreamweaver...import your site... look at interface.



Assign Dragon Project

Due in two weeks... this will be done when you have time. Be thoughtful of color choices

Dragon Rubric and Directions

Dragon Project start video

Dragon Image



Indesign....Go over interface that is important Chapter 2... pages 10-17 together...


Video Due by Next Wednesday