Date Assigned

Date Due
Handouts/Lessons etc.
8/20/2018 9/5/2018

Snowball Kid-- Book Pabes 3-26 - 3-35
Basic Shapes

9/19/2018 9/20/2018

Logo collection and contact sheet

Collect 25 logo's

New Document: Logo

Take your logo's you downloaded and divide them up into 4 categories,

Descriptive, Symbolic, Typographic and combined.

Print them to color printer (2 pages)

15 points
9/10 9/14

Illustrator Bookwork Chapter 1 Sheet-

Download Illustrator Bookwork Chapter 1 folder add your name at the beginning of the folder, when you are done remove any files you do not need. Put into the handin and turn in sheet.

Chapter 1 Illustrator




Mini Projects: Put in Projects Folder (100 pt total) will put all on a poster called Illustrator Drawings


9/14 9/28

Illustrator Bookwork Chapter 3 Sheet- Download

Illustrator Bookwork Chapter 3 folder add your name at the beginning of the folder, when you are done remove any files you do not need. Put into the handin and turn in sheet.

Chapter 3 Illustrator
9/12/2018 9/28/2018 Logo for Big Chill Creamery.... See handout.  
9/25/2018 10/5/2018

New Folder: Silhouette

Must put original image and the edited silhouette into each. Name apple Original, apple Silo

3 Images from Internet made into Vector Silhouettes...Three actual Pictures... Use Yourself profile as one... Put on Separate Layer.... Put a layer of a background for each (I want to be able to hide these FYI...So make sure it is a separate Layer.)


Using the file, Outline the text, then use the pathfinder to incorporate the animal....or Yourself

On a separate layer...Write three words (you will do same thing 2 times each) incorporate an image depicting the word...One of them must be your name.

Print to Color...

Helpful Website for creating Silhouettes using Photoshop and Illustrator.


File: LogoPathfinder

    What's in your head.... BE CREATIVE...

Assignment Page

What's in your head directions





    Illustrator Tutorials-- Choose 2  
  9/12/2018 Typography Assignment 1

Type Assignment 1


9/25/2018 10/9/2015 BPA Pin Contest Entry 25 Points
    What's in your head.... BE CREATIVE...This will be first project on your Website

Assignment Page

What's in your head directions











Logo Assignment 1-

Logo Assignement 2- Design Crowd

Rough Draft- Handdrawn Thumbnails

Final Logo's--4 Color



9/29/2016 10/11/2016 Integrated Cartoon...Must use 3 images to merge together....Please put save the images you will be merging so I can see them. Merged Cartoon Instructions Page

If you want to get better with HTML--Check out the

This will be a work in progress...

DW-Creating First Page
DW-Index Page
DW-Special Characters

Your own Webpage that we will post images to...
    Website Start-- Must complete the sheet... Website First Grade
    Lyrics Poster

75 Points

Lyric Poster Instructions


Website Assignment 1 Due for Upload!

Do Four Type Character Panel Changes for the following under File Typography: May only use Black/White and/or One more color...

IMM Interactive Multimedia

Creating and Editing Digital Images

Your First Name Last Name Graphic Designer

Print and Turn in.


    Menu Project

200 Points

Menu Project Instructions


Digital Design Tutorial

Folder: DDTutorialsLastName
Name each tutorial: Your Last Name First Initial Tutorial Number (ex. ThiesATutorial32)

You choose what each tutorial Text says: ie..Your Name, Powerword etc.

Tutorial 315 3D Super Hero Text
Tutorial 317 Interlocking Text
Tutorial 52 Pathfinder Swish
Tutorial 310 Blend Text and Font
Tutorial 185-Twist Twirl Text
Tutorial Class1- Adding
Tutorial 55- Gradient Mesh


Tutorial Group I Rubric: Save to Handin...