Greetings! My name is Aaron Richarsdson, and this is a record of some of my best works durring my Senior Year of 2022 to 2023 in the Digital Design class. I believe that my experience in Digital Design waas one of my favorites in my school career because I enjoyed learning so much about these complex programs that previously were daunting to me. I am 18 at the time of making this website, my interests include things such as Dungeons and Dragons, cosmic horror, and video games.

In the future I hope to go into software development, so I plan on taking it as my major in college. I prefer to work with computers, so I believe I would enjoy going into a prefesssion reliant on computers.

Custom Dragon project created in Photoshop
Animated gif of a crab made in Photoshop
Fake magazine cover created in Photoshop and Indesign
My alien project created in Photoshop
Comic Book Cover project made in Photoshop.