Hiya! My name is Leah and I'm from Nebraska/Colorado. I have a younger brother that is currently in the 4th grade for the years 2022-2023. My favorite project that we did in Digital Design is the animated gif and name plate! I have an outdoor cat named Shade and we had her since December 2021. I was raised around computers and influenced by my father who is a "hardcore" gamer. I played my first video game when I was 2.5 years old and that game was Purble Place on the family computer files. My favorite color is yellow, my favorite fruits are apricots, and my favorite games are Roblox, Minecraft, Pokemon, and flash games I remember from early memories. (Flash is gone as of 2021 though.) I experienced many experiences many don't usually have, such as going on an airplane, going to Disney world twice, or travelling in general. Video games also influenced how I view things and they taught me many things, such as learning to understand what a person is saying in dialogue or what is going on, learning how to read on certain instances, learning logical skills and learning how to count. I also come from a military family and my father retires next year in 2024 after his 20th year of service. Living in Georgia definatly influenced me with accents, the heat, and how people are patriotic with fireworks being legal all year long. However, towards 2018 and 2019 it began to be horrifying. (I cannot go into details.) I'm interested in animation and coding, but I don't have the time or patience to learn how to code and animating can be time consuming! That is some things about myself!
Dragon Project created in Photoshop.
Animated gif created in Photoshop
Name plate made in Photoshop.
Autobiography made in Indesign and Photoshop.
CD cover project made in Photoshop.