My Name is Travis Coss I was born at kettering hospital Ohio on November 9th 2005 im . As of today i am a 6'2 a sophmore at wayne highschool. hopefully my juinor year i will be at ctc for health occupations. my dream is to be in the medical field and help others, im not sure what specific job i want yet but i have time to figure that out. part of my dream is to make more money than i know whatto do with so I can provide for my family and help out myparts and friends, It sounds like a lot but i believe i can do it. I go one day at a time, working on myself on a daily i believe the qoute "Tough times never last, but tough people do." It has a deeper meaning if you think about it. I just keep moving forward. below are some of my favorite projects from this year.
Comic Effect
Magazine Cover
Movie Poster
Name Plate
CD Cover