My name is Glenn Floyd, I'm 17 years old and I grew up in Ohio, one of the most boring states in America. One thing about me is I've grown to love music so much to the point where it has entered my everyday life like an addiction, every couple of months my taste in music changes, this can range from genres like metal to japanese jazz or even hyperpop...not a lot of people don'tknow that genre and most of the people that do absolutely despise it honestly. I could go on and on about music as if it were my soulmate or best friend and while it is one of what I would like to think is my main defining characteristics, the other is comics/manga. I've always watched anime, animated superhero shows, superhero movies, etc. but I recently entered the world of comic books and my life has never been the same, if I have free time all I ever do is read and/or catch up on anime or any other "nerdy" form of media I missed out on due to me being born in the wrong time. It's a lot of labor trying to catch up on so much but it really has formed me into the person I am today, my taste in art ranging from music to actual drawings and things of the sort have all been molded by my interest in this world of fantasies created by great minds. I'd say the best way I try to interpret my tastes into my everyday life is through fashion, sadly the things I really want cost too much. I plan on becoming a musician, I want to be big enough for the money but honestly the fame really scares me, while I do feel it in my bones that I'll be famous, I know for a fact I can't take that pressure from all the eyes glued to me. I'm still young though so we'll see.
Comic Strip in Indesign and Photoshop
CD (front) in Photoshop
Color Adjustment (3)in Photoshop
CD (Back) in Photoshop
Color Adjustment (1) in Photoshop