Capstone Semester 2


Date Assigned
Date Due
Handouts/Lessons etc.

Buttons (24 points)

Must Create 3 big buttons and 3 small buttons-

Take a picture of your 6 made buttons.


Video for PAC

Each make a video with voice over explaining how to turn on and off the AV equipment, How to hook it up, and how lower and raise the screen.





Wayne Construction- Come up with 3 minimum on a single page... Colos should include only Grey, Brown, Red, White Black.... Does not have to include all the colors, but is limited to these colors.

Make at least 3. Print and Save as PDF and Submit both the printed and the Digital PDF with Layers


Wayne Golf Team.... Looking for a new Logo.... Warrio Golf, Wayne Golf, Wayne Colors only, like Skull and bones but use warrior head with golf club.... others?

Make at least 3. Print and Save as PDF and Submit both the printed and the Digital PDF with Layers


Create a Button Video

Make sure all steps are included:

  • Create the correct size on the computer
  • Printing and Cutting
  • Pressing the button

Animated Gif's

Create 10 Animated Gif's that can be used on the KIOSKS. These must be made by you. Use either Photoshop, Animate or Aftereffects.


  • Wayne HS
  • Attention
  • Statebound
  • Wayne BPA
  • Student of the Month
  • Congratulations!!
  • Wayne PBIS Gif Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe
  • Outstanding
  • Fundraiser
  • Look at This!
  • The Warrior Way!




50 points

Senior Poster for Open House

See Website

See Requirements Page


Wayne High School Graduation Cover

  • (File: Name Graduation Cover)
  • Must Say Date and Time and Place....
  • May 26, 2024 at 2:00 PM
  • EJ Nutter Center

May develop in PHotoshop or Illustrator but need to Place in Indesign

Indesign: 5.5" x 8.5" with 1/8" Bleed or .125" Bleed... Margins of .2"

(Save Indesign Document PDF)




Theme is still Italian Dinner and it will be on May 18th at 5:30-7:30 in the Wayne High School Cafe

Leave a space for Name on Ticket. THEME Based on Italy


Word on:

  • Full Italian Dinner with dessert
  • Candy Buffet
  • Door Prizes
  • Multiple Photo Backdrops
  • Presenting of Senior Superlatives (ex. class clown etc.)
  • Formal Attire

May 18th

Wayne High School Cafeteria

5:30 pm

Create 2 Versions....


Edit BPA Awards for only Wayne awards. Add Titles and if audio is not good music (Due Thursday 3/14).. See last years awards for example


25 points







Portfolio-Due March 14- See Rubric




Create 3 6-8 Second Introductions for WAYNE IMM PRODUCTIONS

All Must be different and Contain the Words WAYNE IMM PRODUCTION

All must be moving... Add free music from Bensound or Youtube.



35 points

Tutorials of Choosing or Project

Choose 2 Tutorials or Projects of your choosing per Month. Must submit a Document that contains a link to the site, what you created, what porgrams you used and the final project inside of folder of month Name

FebruaryLastnameFirst Initial (Due by March 1)

MarchLastnameFirstInitial (Due by March 22)

AprilLastnameFirstInitial (Due by April 30)

MayLastnameFirstInitial (Due by May 15)

25 points each- 50 Total Each Month

Graphic Collection- This is due by end of January

Need 20 Graphics for Powerpoint for Class Powerpoints

Musts: One for Each Class 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028

Must have a Grapic for CTE, (Job Career, Career, Work Opportunity, Graduation, Graduation Seal,College Credit Plus, Physical Education, Athletic Eligibility (OHSSA, NCAA), Summber School, HELP, Get Involved

January 30

Quarter 3 above this line 2024



Size 25.5" x 16.5 or 16.5" x 25.5"

Must incorporate all students in Capstone (11 total)

Nate, Raymond, Ben, Autumn, Haleigh, Allison, AJ, Michael, Chris, Jason, Caitlyn

4/6 4/17/2023


Here is information that will need to be on the ticket:
Date:  May 6, 2023
Time 8pm-11pm
*No entry after 9pm
Location:  Wayne High School
*must present digital ticket w/student ID or photo ID to enter dance

Our theme is:  An Era of Elegance
Our colors are pearl white, black, gold, blush
Some of our decor includes pearl strand and ostrich feathers

Must submit by end of day....on Monday


Theme is still Italian Dinner and it will be on May 20th at 5:30 in the Wayne High School Cafe

Leave a space for Name on Ticket. THEME Based on Italy


Word on:

  • Full Italian Dinner with dessert
  • Candy Buffet
  • Door Prizes
  • Multiple Photo Backdrops
  • Presenting of Senior Superlatives (ex. class clown etc.)
  • Formal Attire

May 20th

Wayne High School Cafeteria

5:30 pm





Create 2 Versions....



    Business Card for Mr. Dungan... See old one... Make better one.  




Movie Poster

See Assignment Page for Movie Poster


Wayne High School Graduation Cover

  • (File: Name Graduation Cover)
  • Must Say Date and Time and Place....
  • May 28, 2023 at 2:00 PM
  • EJ Nutter Center

Indesign: 5.5" x 8.5" with 1/8" Bleed or .125" Bleed... Margins of .2"

(Save Indesign Document PDF)


Senior Poster for Open House

See Website

See Requirements Page

Quarter 4 above this line



Due by 3/8/2023

Any type of music that they wish to advertise. The students left it wide open for any type of creativity and any target audience. It's wide open! The key element will be the communication that they deliver to the viewer. It must allow a viewer to understand all the key components of attending. ;o) Not much to really buckle them down on with this one. It gets more involved with detail of needs for a specific audience, etc. for the 2nd phase of the competition. 


-I shared a folder with you that has pictures in it!! The students can be creative and pick any picture. The winner gets a 10.00 gift card of their choice!!!

Here is the sample format the students: Replace “CUSTOM” with “FORDHAM” Replace “Name” with “DQ”


--- Information is on Shared> Capstone> Semester 2

Black or Dark Gray



Investing: Your Future


Simple Investment:

Credit Scores: Find credit score interst rates... How much below for a car payment interest...

Figure out car payment and interest paid

Student Loan Calculator-


Research and Print out a car you desire. You have $2000 to put down. Calculate the Monthly payment based on 48 Months, 60 Months and 72 Months.

What is difference in Amount of Interest Paid


Tutorials of Choice- Each Friday-

Project by End of Semester


Tutorials from Adobe

or Projects Page




New Logo for WOEA- Western Ohio Education Association (Website here

Make an 2 outside countys and description + 10 logos


Prom Ticket

  • See Example:
  • May 7, 2022
  • 8-11 Colors Cream,sage lavendar
  • Paradise Gardens
  • Back
    • Pace for ticket number
    • Must present Photo id
    • No re-entry
    • Cannot enter after 9

4/5 5/5

Wayne High School Agenda

  • (file: Name Agenda)
  • Text that must be included:
  • Wayne High School 2022-2023
  • Would like you to come up with a phrase for front

Indesign: Make it 5" by 8" Indesign Document with .125 Bleed. .2 Margin for text only. Save as Lastname Agenda in your tutorials Folder.

(Save Indesign Document... Print )


4/5 4/29

Wayne High School Graduation Cover

  • (File: Name Graduation Cover)
  • Must Say Date and Time and Place....
  • May 29, 2022 at 1:00 PM
  • EJ Nutter Center

Indesign: 5.5" x 8.5" with 1/8" Bleed or .125" Bleed... Margins of .2"

(Save Indesign Document PDF)

4/3 4/22

Senior Dinner Dance Ticket-

Must leave room for name of student

May 21st—Senior Dinner Dance 
Location: Wayne Cafeteria 
Time: 6pm 
Details—seniors that are on track to graduate on time only; teachers and staff will serve students appetizers, dinner and dessert; Italian themed; Formal Attire; Door prizes, photobooth, presenting of superlative awards; See Example Below

3/28 4/8

Logo for Thies Plumbing

  • Thies Plumbing and Property Maintenance LLC
  • Likes Shamrocks (like Notre Dame)... Blue or Green (Dark)
  • Make at least 5 variations
Make sure you outline the text> Put the ai file into hand in> Name it LastnamefirstinitialThiesPlumbing.
3/3 3/4

Tutorial- PS-Vexel

Vexel Art Images - A Raster Image giving a feel of a Vector image...

Complete ONE SELF PORTRAIT IMAGE and ONE PORTRAIT or OBJECT or PET IMAGE. Refer to the following tutorial: How to Create Stunning Vexel Art Images

The photographs must be original; that means you must take them!

All someone else should do is press the shutter on the camera or button on the phone if you are using your cell phone to take the photograph. Make sure the resolution is high and that your images are sharp (no camera shake or blurriness). Consider the Principles of Art and Designs you create your image.

Make sure you creativily put in text, make it part of the artwork.... Save it to Google Classroom.

Save as LastnameFirstInitial_SelfVexel and LastnameFirstInitial_ObjectVexel


2/7 2/11

PS- Clipping Mask Assignment

Copy the Clipping Mask Flowers Folder from the Shared Server..

We will do this one together or if not here follow this video... Make sure yours looks similar to the one at the right when done...(10 Points)

  • Different flower each letter (NO OVER LAP- Use Layer mask to fix if there is)
  • Add 2 effects
  • Add cloud background- change color of cloud using adustment layer

New File in Photoshop: Print 11 x 5 LastName FIrst InitialClippingName

Download a THICK font to use... Create Your name> Add pictures that are reflective of you... Add a background and effects (30)...Turn into Google Classroom.



10/24/2019 10/31/2019

Evalutation websites... Use Form for Evaluation of Childrens Website.

Then Look at is a site that has a different Mobil Site.

Make a 12 slide presentation Due NEXT THURSDAY

11/28/2019 10/31/2019 Practice BPA test 2017... 40 pts
10/28 11/8

Bookwork:Copy from Shared/web... Name_DophinTours Folder

Together start>Dolphins Site-Page99-100 (#'S 1-21)

  • Page 101-102 (#'s 22-39)
  • Page 102-104 (#'s 40-62)
  • Page 104-105 (#'s 63-77)> Check Point for 35 points
  • Page 106-108 (#'s 78-94)
  • Page 108-110 (#'s 95-113)
  • Page 110-111 (#'s 114-119)
  • Page 111-112 (#'s 120-145) > Turn in for 40 points Put whole document into Handin
75 total
10/25/2019 11/8/2019

Photoshop Tutorials- Folder Lastname First Initial Photoshop Tutorials

Creating an Image for the web (10pts)>One of own >

Creating A Web Banner (10pts)>One of own>



 Quarter 1

    w3Schools Lesson Sheet 1  

w3Schools Lesson Sheet 2

Hands On Sheet 2


w3Schools Lesson Sheet 3

Hands On Sheet 3

Help with Colors for Website


w3Schools Lesson Sheet 4

Hands On Sheet 4


Pass out Tech Prep Form..MUST SIGN UP BY FRIDAY OR OPT OUT FORM! You may do this at home. MAKE SURE EVERYTHING IS SPELLED CORRECT!!! If you do forward email to me at or print out.

Video on how to apply and applicationVideo on how to apply click here

Online Application Click here

10 points

See Tech Prep Site



PPass out Video Term Sheet 1... Must define and take images that go along with each shot. Images and definitions due next Tuesday.

2 biggest things to get best picture! Steady camera and Lighting!

Things to consider to get good shots.... When you do this assignment.

Talk about composition and Rule of Thirds.

Rule of Thirds research sites- Dividing image into tic tac toe board. The intersecrtion of the lines is the strongest focal point, the lines are second strongest focal point

 10 pts wkst

50 pictures on contact sheet


w3Schools Lesson Sheet 5

Hands On Sheet 5

Images and websites:



Bookwork Questions:

In your notebook define from book 26-32.

ISP.. Who is your ISP?



IP Address.

2 parts of a domain name. What are common top level domain part?

Metatag also where would you find Metatags?


Not in book...Why should you define html lang="en-us"?

Define the following/answer the following.Page 34-37.

  • User Centric Design
  • How many seconds before someone leaves a website if it is not loading?
  • Focal Point
  • White Space
  • Target market
  • Demographics
  • Cross Platform Capabilities
  • Screen Resolution
    Make a Header 1200 by 175- Name, Design,  

Make a page of your pictures....You will need to compress them in Photoshop

Read: 10 Must know image Optimization Tips

Helpful Tutorial on Compressing Images for the web
Learn about file types and what to use.

Bad Website Review: Complete the following worksheet... Why do you think these websites are bad?Bad Website Critique Worksheet

End Quarter 1