Web and Digital Media 1st Semester

Date Assigned
Date Due
Handouts/Lessons etc.


10/21 10/24

Students will make a Program of Studies Cover. Must include the following: (see Example)

  • Weisenborn JH and Wayne High School
  • Program of Studies
  • 2020-2021
10 pts
10/24/2019 10/31/2019

Evalutation websites... Use Form for Evaluation of Childrens Website.

Then Look at is a site that has a different Mobil Site.

Make a 12 slide presentation Due NEXT THURSDAY

11/28/2019 10/31/2019 Practice BPA test 2017... 40 pts
10/28 11/8

Bookwork:Copy from Shared/web... Name_DophinTours Folder

Together start>Dolphins Site-Page99-100 (#'S 1-21)

  • Page 101-102 (#'s 22-39)
  • Page 102-104 (#'s 40-62)
  • Page 104-105 (#'s 63-77)> Check Point for 35 points
  • Page 106-108 (#'s 78-94)
  • Page 108-110 (#'s 95-113)
  • Page 110-111 (#'s 114-119)
  • Page 111-112 (#'s 120-145) > Turn in for 40 points Put whole document into Handin
75 total
10/25/2019 11/8/2019

Photoshop Tutorials- Folder Lastname First Initial Photoshop Tutorials

Creating an Image for the web (10pts)>One of own >

Creating A Web Banner (10pts)>One of own>



 Quarter 1

    w3Schools Lesson Sheet 1  

w3Schools Lesson Sheet 2

Hands On Sheet 2


w3Schools Lesson Sheet 3

Hands On Sheet 3

Help with Colors for Website


w3Schools Lesson Sheet 4

Hands On Sheet 4


Pass out Tech Prep Form..MUST SIGN UP BY FRIDAY OR OPT OUT FORM! You may do this at home. MAKE SURE EVERYTHING IS SPELLED CORRECT!!! If you do forward email to me at mvctc.com or print out.

Video on how to apply and applicationVideo on how to apply click here

Online Application Click here

10 points

See Tech Prep Site



PPass out Video Term Sheet 1... Must define and take images that go along with each shot. Images and definitions due next Tuesday.

2 biggest things to get best picture! Steady camera and Lighting!

Things to consider to get good shots.... When you do this assignment.

Talk about composition and Rule of Thirds.

Rule of Thirds research sites- Dividing image into tic tac toe board. The intersecrtion of the lines is the strongest focal point, the lines are second strongest focal point

 10 pts wkst

50 pictures on contact sheet


w3Schools Lesson Sheet 5

Hands On Sheet 5

Images and websites:



Bookwork Questions:

In your notebook define from book 26-32.

ISP.. Who is your ISP?



IP Address.

2 parts of a domain name. What are common top level domain part?

Metatag also where would you find Metatags?


Not in book...Why should you define html lang="en-us"?

Define the following/answer the following.Page 34-37.

  • User Centric Design
  • How many seconds before someone leaves a website if it is not loading?
  • Focal Point
  • White Space
  • Target market
  • Demographics
  • Cross Platform Capabilities
  • Screen Resolution
    Make a Header 1200 by 175- Name, Design,  

Make a page of your pictures....You will need to compress them in Photoshop

Read: 10 Must know image Optimization Tips

Helpful Tutorial on Compressing Images for the web
Learn about file types and what to use.

Bad Website Review: Complete the following worksheet... Why do you think these websites are bad?Bad Website Critique Worksheet

End Quarter 1