Web Design and Photography 2nd Semester

Date Assigned
Date Due
Handouts/Lessons etc.
9/4 9/7


10 points

See Tech Prep Site

9/10 9/30


Sheet For Chapters 1-3 Photoshop

Free Stock Images

Free Music and Sound Effects

Free Favicon Generator

Weather banners


Question Site
9/30 10/4/2018 Project-NamePlate Masking

Name Masking Rubric and Instructions
75 Points

10/8/2018 10/11/2018

Pumpkin Coloring introduction... (filename: Pumpkin)

Download Pumpkin to color:

  • Duplicate layer
  • Select portions (mess with tolerance)
  • Layer via copy
  • Name new Layer
  • Color with Paintbucket or Gradient tool...add effect
  • Complete....Name in lower left corner...

Download one of choosing.. or a coloring page of your choosing(add at least 3 gradients, name layers, Add a background if no scene and add 2 textures... Put your name on it neatly ... print it 5" wide let height be automatic.) save as: LastnamefirstinitialColoring1

Also Turn in Digitally...Into the Handin

Pumpkin...15 pts check off

Own...25 Points turn in.



    Questions Set 2- Open and save to a folder in Your Folder called Review Questions. Sites for Answers Querstions of day2
10/16/2018 10/26/2018

Dragon Project-- Print and turn into Handin

Making a pattern
Applying Filters
Download and install brushes.

Dragon Rubric and Directions

Dragon Project start video Tutorial

Dragon Image

10/16/2018 10/16/2018 Bring in Magazines that I can have for +4 points each up to +12 points bonus  
10/22/2018 10/23/2018

Filtering Practice- Download this city image and apply a filter of your chooosing to each of the images....Make sure they are different and add your name is on one large enough so I can see.

....To apply a filter go to Filter>Filter Gallary and choose differnet filter and mess with the settings. See Adobe Filter page for help.

Save as Lastnamefirst initial Filtering practice and put into hand in.

Applying Filters

10 points
10/24/2018 10/25/2018

Create a new Photoshop Print document in Landscape. Save it as Lastname first initial Brushes.

Make the background a color of your choosing. Create a 3 new layers on each dowlnload and use a brushes of your choosing to create a landscape scene. Must use at least 3 differnt brushes but may use more.

Put this into the handin for credit

Download and install brushes.

10 points


10/28/2018 11/3/2018

Typography Terms: Sites to find:

Typography Terms

Measure Font

OTF TTF Glyphs and Ligatures

Words for Back of Sheet

  • baseline shift
  • kerning
  • tracking
  • leading
  • en dash
  • em dash
Play the Kerning Game

Typography Handout

25 Points


Discovering Character Panel in Photoshop (Download this file) or open under Typography Folder.

Together in class or Follow this Sheet... Use the Character Panel

25 Points
10/29/2018 11/2/2018

Collage Project:..Download Instruction sheet here....You can type out answers as you complete the collage.

50 Points
10/31/2018 11/1/2018 Typography Crossword Typography Crossword
11/4/2018 12/12/12/2018


New Folder: Last nameFirstInitialTutorials... Will end up making a Poster using all these tutorials in Indesign

  • MyFilter Tutorial.... Open image of yourself...Follow Cropping and resizing tutorial

    Apply filter use this tutorial to each layer. Put your name in at least 3 of the images using effects and Warp. Make sure it is an appropriate color.

    Save as: Lastname First Initia MyFilter

  • Pop out Tutorials-Folder-Do the picture they provide name this file Popout1...then do one of your own...Find a picture that is an action shot..name this Popout2..

Pop Out Tutorial 1-- Jet Ski Guy Picture
Pop Out Tutorial 2
- Football Guy Image

Save as: LastnameFirstInitial Popout1
Save as: LastnameFirstInitial Popout12

  • Polaroids Tutorial Select a picture of your choosing to apply the following tutorial... You can download an image from your phone or internet. Image must be larger than 1024 x 768.... Go to image....images size and change resolution to 200...and within a 7" by 5" or 5" by 7" depending on image orientation (Doesn't have to be exact...but close...may crop it. (Must have at least 10 selections/polaroids.)

    Add your name to the bottom of the document.
    Save as: Lastname Firstinitial Polaroid Tutorial

    Create Tutorial Poster... (75 Points)
    Standard sheet of paper, Save as LastNamefirstInitialTutorials

    • NO Full page COLORING...
    • Title: Photoshop Tutorials
    • 4 Tutorials--Do something to these (add a border, change the shape (Object Convert Shape)...something to make it stand out.
    • Add Design Elements...Shapes,Lines,color
    • Appropriate Fonts and Color
    • Your name as part of Poster...not just as an afterthought

15 pts each... Plus Poster 15 points... 75 Points total


11/7/2018 11/11/2018

New Folder: Lastname First Initial IndesignCh2

  • Together (if absent on own)Page 2-20 thru 2-25 Save as Diner Change Jake to your name.
  • Together pages 2-8-2-19 (Min-Pin Intro) Change Christopher Smith to Your Name. (+5 Extra Credit)
  • Page 2-32- Save as Toy Breeds Put name by the subtitle after Dog Breeds.
  • Page 2-34- Save as Drop Cap Modifications. Type your name at the bottom after our sacred Honor.
  • Page 2-35 Save as Hanging Indent Type your name instead of Christopher Smith
  • Page 2-36 Save as Latin Lingo Make a text box at bottom of page and type your name.
  • Page 2-37 Save as Crushing Impact Make a text box at bottom of page and type your name.
40 pts
11/16/2018 11/20/2018

BPA Competition Practice or...Time to come up with project for this year if doing judged event.

Letter, Memo

Desktop Publishing Test... 3 Pages.

See tests on Shared/BPA

40 Points total
12/3 12/7

Autobiograph Brochure: Indesign: Set up brochure in Indesign: See...Autobiography Brochure....Students will set up 2 pages in a New Folder called: LastnamefirstinitialAutobio

Set Landscape... 3 columns, margins .125, bleed .125

Fold guides at 3.66667, 7.33334
Safe Guides .25, 10.75, .25, 8.25


100 points
11/15/2018 11/16/2018

Quote of own.... Click here for example

  • Typography Quote on Own- Print to Color, Staple a rubric on top you will find them near the tray... here is sample:
  • Must take up Entire Paper
  • No more than two Colors
  • Must use minimum of 2 Glyphs
  • Must use minimum of 2 Different Fonts, no more than 4 Different.
  • Must make use of Character Panel (ex. Horizontal Scale,
  • Vertical Scale, Tracking, Rotate the text small Caps etc.)
  • Must use at least one shape or line
  • Emphasis where needed
  • Site Author neatly and part of Work
  • Your name in lower right hand corner
    Rubric Attached.

40 pts
11/24/2018 11/28/2018

Autobiography Practice-- Download from IMM Shared folder...Whole folder: Autobiography Practice

Add Luke and Hailey Picture, Drop Cap, Change Text box color, Add Design Elements, Change Text Wrapping of Soccer ball, Add Luke Picture, Add Hailey Picture... change text wrapping, edit text box properties, fitting of pictures, print two sided BW

50 Points
    Autobiography Rubric and information

Rubric and Instructions for Autobiography

100 Points